David Griffits. (David Griffith), a teacher from. University of Edinburgh. and Managing Director. K-Cubed Ltd. , Placed in a group. Knowledge Management Education (KMEdu) Hub. in the social network. LinkedIn. message. that the University of Edinburgh is planning to introduce training to obtain certification in the field of knowledge management ( organizational knowledge and learning) in the fourth quarter of 2011. Name of training program, maybe it's a working version, it sounds like. Professional Development Certificate in Knowledge Management.
All program details are still unknown, but David has shared basic information about the academic model, namely, as a result of training will be issued either a certificate of course completion or a certificate of completion (to be issued on the results of the exam). In addition, the certificate of completion corresponds to the. level 'M' for one of the Masters Course at the University. Duration of training is 5 days ( 40 hours ) to obtain a certificate of course completion plus 10 hours for those who wish to take the exam to obtain a certificate about completion of the course.
I believe that the introduction of additional modules or courses on management of knowledge within the various. vocational education. and. master's programs. the universities of the world taking on the characteristics of stable tendency. This suggests that knowledge management has found recognition as one of the mandatory functions of management as such, along with financial management, HR- management, marketing management, which are taught as a university discipline. That is, the MOH has not seen as a fashion trend in management practices, as well as an ongoing activity. in combination with traditional management functions, designed to provide a sustainable competitive advantage based on the organization manage its intellectual resources. Consequently, successful managers must learn to apply the MOH in my practice.
By the way, was not so long ago. is known. That in the East Ukrainian University. In. Dal under the pilot program is administered course ' Knowledge management and intellectual property ' at the Department of ' Project Management and Applied Statistics ' Innovation Faculty of Economics and cybernetics. Note that knowledge management is included in the curricula of Ukrainian universities are not the first time. Earlier in the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics at the Department of. social Informatics. , And then in. Institute of Intellectual Property. National University of ' Odessa Law Academy ... Consolidated information. ' In which to read a specialized course on knowledge management.
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