Friday, May 4, 2012

' Theory is dry, my dear,...'

All this talk about terminology, about the prospects of the market, etc. - Of course, it is interesting, but only to a certain extent. It seems to me that they only make sense if such a 'theory ' is somehow applied to the practice of. And with a discussion of practice with us ( I mean not only this blog, but also publications, events) is not very.

From some conversations about the desire to expand the market and promote new ideas, technologies small that change. Most likely, nothing will change.

What should I do? . Simply put - the projects.

On the projects we like to talk, write a lot, but in my vzgyad, substantial value in these conversations, publications - very close to zero. 70% ( approximate figure ) - blatant advertising brand (not even a product), the remaining 30% (not all but most) - common words.

Let me remind you that there are two main genre story about the project: Succes Story and Case Study. So, although we are called rasskazzy case studies, but in reality, this ' success story ' ( again, yes and all the fun out), and not what is not ' research project '.

A simple check of the information value of the press release (or even a paper - case) on the implementation of the project is done so by taking the text content in a mode change is corrected names of performers, customers, products - and you can already publish a story about a new ' unique project '.

Over the past two days has received two press releases.
From the ' galaxy ' of the introduction of Directum.
2. From Directum ( Addiction ) about Directum ( but for ).

Offtopic: ' Why did the media do not respond to press releases? ... The most likely answer is: little substance ( 5 years ago, even - ' send the wrong address).

My assessment. 1st Press Release - weak, 2 nd - very well, but still a matter of fact there is little content.
It is suitable for researchers marketolov ( for example, to enter into an analytical report on the market ), but for readers (customers) - this is just information that the product may be applied, in principle, and this integrator is able to execute such a project.
(By the way yet, so I want to remember about this post. http://ecmclub. blogspot. com/2010/07/blog-post_16. html. There was such a thesis: a grocery brenzing is very important to work with the media, it can help, but may interfere with. Here in these press releases, branding issues are. ).

Yet even these two reports can draw attention to the possible (statistics from three starts ), some interesting points.

a. This is a commercial enterprise, and plants, and regional (but different profiles - process and discrete manufacturing).
2. In both cases we are talking about the next stage of enterprise automation. EDS implemented beginning in an already running ERP.
3. And here and there, as one major task is the integration with ERP.

Here are some interesting moments.

' services by setting input and conversion system DIRECTUM, allowing to automate the process of receiving incoming mail from multifunction devices and e-mail. '( A device that, how does the transformation?).

' The introduction of DIRECTUM prerequisite is the integration with ERP systems Galactica for the principle of a single input to the main reference systems. '( There are many pressing issues ).

' Manual of decided to automate workflow in the enterprise and implement ECM- system. ' (And where does the ECM? What ECM- problems are solved here?).

' creation of a single information space for collaboration with the data, the transition to paperless technology of documentation;' (how could go to the ' bezbumagu ').

' In particular, the fully electronic form has been translated to work with organizational and administrative documentation, contracts, incoming and outgoing correspondence. '( And as it was before?).

... '( Moved from, and why it was necessary to translate? ).

' As part of automating these processes focused on the integration of the system DIRECTUM 1C: Enterprise. '( Konkretretika need, it is interesting. And why the name '1 C: Enterprise ' without the quotes? . Such solutions - '1 C: Enterprise ' - no).

' In the nearest plans of the company - expanded coverage of new processes and automation. '( What do we cover? Where proper ECM?).

I think that's all and need to discuss, analyze, promote. Then customers will better understand why we need ECM ( yes, and EDS, too), which of them might be a good judge, and how difficult it all is simply to do. And by the contact.

Then, perhaps, the director at the word ' document ' will not only cause Maria Ivanovna from the office:-).

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